1 Reviews Write a Review
Does staying in a cottage by a beautiful bay sound like the perfect getaway? Sutton Bay Park in New Liskeard, ON has comfortable indoor lodging available! Set up in a cozy cottage and indulge in their bevy of accommodations. They treat you like family at this friendly campground.
Sutton Bay Park is the perfect place for avid fishers thanks to their stellar location. Set up your fishing camp right next to Sutton Bay, and get ready for a day of bites and relaxation. This camp even has a hunting area where you can test your skills against the local wildlife.
For more information on Sutton Bay Park, visit suttonbaypark.ca. Book your room, today, by calling (705) 647-8510.
What a great place to stay! The Chevrier reunion was made a success due to the kind service and immaculate trailer rental (lot 108 11 person).. extras include a BBQ, plus an additional 2 burner stove and a small fridge (in the outside cubby) .. definitely recommending!!!
Posted by Tammy Chevrier on 6/23/2024 12:34:28 PM. Brought to you by myserviceprofile.com.